Imperial Electric Company (Pvt) Ltd
  • National Tower, 28 Egerton Road
  • Imperial Electric Company (Pvt) Ltd
  • Lahore
  • Pakistan
+92 42 3 630 4861-65 +92 42 3 630 4866 Mehmud Saeed
The Imperial Electric Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. was set up in 1931. Since it's inception, it has provided its clients with world-class products and services. For over 80 years, our clients have relied on us for innovative and economical solutions to their problems. Highly qualified individuals ar employed specializing in various branches of engineering, along with sales and marketing personnel to deal with a diverse customer base. IEC is a leading OEM of Diesel Generating Sets. It manufactures diesel Generating Sets from 5 kVA to 1250 kVA coupled with world renowned engines & alternators. Some of the world’s renowned manufacturers, IEC represents include Schneider Electric, Thorn Lighting, Ferraz Shawmut, ThermoWeld, Hitzinger, PUMA, Yotai Refractories and Foster Wheeler